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The Stories Frenzy



If it isn't real, it’s content spam. And it's everywhere.

It’s not enough to name it a story. We need to either live it or leave it out. 

There’s no buy-in if the story is a sales pitch with a little story sparkle around it. 

People aren't interested in anything that resembles selling anymore. If we need to sell something we need to sell the purpose, not the story itself. See what the confusion is about?

Marketers know that but they fail to understand (or perhaps they unintentionally lose the way) that purpose doesn’t mean glossy or fluff. Wit & polish, yes. Fluff? No.

In times when we’ve seen almost everything online marketing, having a marketing strategy that confuses purpose with lifestyle isn’t going to help much with building a solid client team. It used to work in the 90s and up till 5 years ago but it’s not the type of story-making today’s people have time for. 

Often people read at a glance, how long will it take? Does it worth it? By calling it a story, if that’s not what it is, it’ll do more damage than good. 

And then, we need a good problem. If the problem isn’t there for most of our ideal clients, then there’s no story. Don’t call it a story. It's misleading. 

if you need to get the attention of the casual reader you need to be direct and to the point. You can call it a story, an experience, a myth. Whatever you call it, make sure it lives up to its intention. No cliches, no prefabricated words or phrases. If it's not real, it'll show. If it's not real, it's (perceived as) spam. Today. These days.