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Why Do We Need An Automation Break?


You take a break, you put behind-the-scenes systems in place, work automation tools, you make sure your content goes out the right time through the right channel, out-of-office is on. You schedule a ton of pins on Pinterest, you schedule your Instagram posts (if you're on a business account), your Facebook articles, everything, all multichannel activity planned to go out as if you were there. Automation is a no-brainer! I love automation. 

But what if your content takes a break with you? What about online radio silence? Content radio silence for a few days? How will it work? Will you lose followers? Will you gain perspective? Will it matter? For the better or for the worse? 

And obviously, I’m not referring to big brands. In this case, content production and automation are given. In some cases, it’s reaching a buyer or hundred every second.

But if you are a local business, a freelancer, a small company with loyal clients maybe you should try and leave your content calendar empty for a few days. Putting content out there you need to be present to support your truth. Automation is great, it’s what allows so many of us small business owners/freelancers/entrepreneurs to work wonders with what we have. But times are changing (constantly and always) and maybe we need to put our efforts more into the quality and less into the quantity. No one needs more content anyway.  If there’s one thing that might make an impact is your interaction. So instead of organising everything to come out as if you were there, how about allowing your content to take a break as well? Consistency is key but being true comes first. Storytelling is the way we connect over a shared experience and if we're not there to share the experience it's not going to work the way we want it to. 

If you want to genuinely disconnect for a few days let your content disconnect as well. It’ll never be a guilt-free break but at least you’ll be true to your readers and to your intentions. Online media is at a crossroads (always) and maybe a way to cut through the noise is by being more intentional. It’s essentially an evolved version we need. That's all.

Refrain from just dumping content on your readers. Instead, be there to serve it when you're there to serve it. 

This was all to say that new, fresh content is coming out soon.